Oracle Retail Order Management System Environment Configuration

Purpose: This topic describes the setup required to configure a database connection for Oracle Retail Order Management System.

DBConfig Properties File

Use the file on the application server to configure database connection settings for Oracle Retail Order Management System. This file contains the database information required to connect to each Oracle Retail Order Management System database. You also define database information in the tomee.xml File.

When to update this file: The system updates this file automatically during the installation process. You will need to update this file and check the settings in the tomee.xml File if you change your database server, database name, or database login; otherwise, the information in this file should not be changed.

Location of file: This file is normally saved on the application server at /usr/local/tomcat01/conf/jenasysproperties, where /usr/local/tomcat01 is the installed location of Oracle Retail Order Management System.

To edit the file: You can review and update this file using a text editor. If you make any changes to the DBConfig Properties file, you must restart Oracle Retail Order Management System before the changes take effect.

The settings in this file that you might wish to review or edit are explained below.




The name of the Oracle Retail Order Management System database environment.

The default setting is Cloud.

Change this setting to the name of your Oracle Retail Order Management System environment.

The name of the database server where the Oracle Retail Order Management System database is located.


The connection information used to connect to the Oracle Retail Order Management System database:



• hostname = The Hostname defined for the database connection.

• 9999 = The port used to connect to the database.

• servicename = The Service name defined for the database connection.

The user ID used to connect to the Oracle Retail Order Management System database server. This should be ORDER_MANAGEMENT.


The user’s database password used to connect to the Oracle Retail Order Management System database server. The password entry here is encrypted. If you change the database password as part of your security standards, you must change this value and then restart Oracle Retail Order Management System. Contact your Oracle Retail Order Management System representative for instructions.

environment setup OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN